National Education and Learning Priorities (NELPs)Cabu! Administrator2021-07-09T12:23:02+00:00
Access and participation for every learner is an integral part of any education system.
The National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) recognise that developing educationally powerful connections and partnerships with learners/ākonga, whānau, Māori, Pacific, and diverse ethnic communities will improve outcomes and wellbeing across the education system.
The NELP priorities will help create education environments that are learner centred, and where learners, and especially more Māori and Pacific learners, are successful.
The NELP priorities encourage all places of learning to focus on:
- ensuring that they are safe and inclusive and free from racism, discrimination, and bullying
- strengthening the quality of teaching our learners receive to give our learners the skills they need to succeed in education, work, and life
- collaborating more with whānau, employers, industry, and communities
- taking account of learners’ needs, identities, languages, and cultures in their practice
- incorporating te reo Māori and tikanga Māori into everyday activities.