Junior Garden 3While it is important that we cater for the individual needs of each child within the classroom, we do provide extra support programmes for both children who find their work a challenge and for those who require extension.  Within Maunu School children are sometimes withdrawn for these programmes, which are proving to be effective.  We mostly use data to inform us on how we select children for both remedial and extension groups, but we also use classroom observations to provide us with extra information.

Anne Parr is our Learning Support Coordinator (LSC), who coordinates all our special needs programmes within the school.

Priority Learners:

Reading Recovery:

Claudine Edwards runs the Reading Recovery programme, which is aimed at children who, have been identified at six years of age, as struggling with their literacy.


Lexia is an on-line programme, which aims to give children assistance with their literacy.  This programme across the school under the guidance of the classroom teachers.  It can also be accessed at home to provide support and practise of key skills.

Gifted and Talented:


Each year we enter teams in the local Mathex competition and children from Maunu School have regularly achieved well at this.  In the term prior to Mathex, students are identified by classroom teachers in Year 5 to 6 to take part in enrichment/extension problem solving activities with Claire Turton and Diana Hesketh.  The Mathex teams are selected from this group based on performance.


A Leadership Day is held for all Year 5 students in Term 4 each year.  This day is designed to challenge our students and give them all the opportunity to display and develop leadership skills.  Teachers observe the students and collect evidence of their leadership potential.   From this group, students are selected to become ‘Leaders’ within our Leadership programme and sit on the School Council, which meets weekly with Diana Hesketh (Deputy Principal).

While there is a specific leadership group, all Year 5 and 6 children are given the opportunity to participate and contribute towards the leadership programme.  They form groups, which are facilitated by teachers and support staff.

These groups are:

*   Peer Mediators   * House Leaders *   Library Leaders *   Office Managers
*   Wet Day Leaders *   Assembly Leaders *   Events/Community Support *   Photographers / Technicians
*  Visitor Welcome Group *   Environment Leaders *   Physical Activity Leaders (PAL) * Lost Property

Biannually all our Year 6 children attend the local Youth Summit, where they hear from top profile speakers, who have been successful in their life and are good role models.

    School Production:

Every three years we have a school production involving the whole school, which gives all students opportunities for further enrichment, extension and opportunities to shine.


    From time to time we also have extension groups for writing, art projects and science workshops.